Innovation and Discovery Expo 2023

Innovation and Discovery Expo@Clark

Innovation and Discovery Expo@Clark

The event took place October 19, 2023 2-5:30pm 

Thank you again to everyone who attended the inaugural Innovation and Discovery Expo@Clark on October 19, 2023! We are incredibly grateful for your attendance, curiosity, and participation. Thank you also to all of the presenters for creating an engaging set of demos that showcased cutting-edge research from across Stanford Bio-X and Wu Tsai Performance. See the full list of Demos.

Advanced Polymer 3D Fabrication Methods

Maria Dulay and the DeSimone Lab 

Chemical Engineering, Radiology | DeSimone Lab

OpenCap Demo

Hannah Heigold, Kirsten Szalapski, Julie Muccini, Michelle Joyce, Janelle Kaneda 

Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering | Delp Lab 

Biofabrication of anisotropic microgels for tissue engineering

Hung Pang Lee, Michelle Tai, Manish Ayushman, Mark Fleck 

Orthopedic Surgery, Bioengineering | Yang Lab

Magnet-assisted Spatially Patterned Organoid Transfer for Assembloid Fabrication

Michelle Huang

Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, ChEM-H | Heilshorn Lab

Detecting Muscle Forces in Nordic Hamstring Exercises

Kristen Steudel 

Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering | Delp Lab

Event Photos


If you have any questions, please reach out to

Event Organizers

The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance aims to discover the biological principles to optimize human performance and catalyze innovations in human health for all.

Bio-X is Stanford’s interdisciplinary biosciences institute, bringing together life science researchers, clinicians, engineers and others to unlock the secrets of the human body.

Get Engaged

We invite faculty, students, staff, alumni, friends, and external organizations to participate in the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford.