Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford Agility Project Program

The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance is an interdisciplinary research initiative at Stanford whose mission is to transform human health on a global scale through the discovery and translation of the principles underlying human performance. We aim to leverage an untapped reservoir of knowledge through the application of science, technology, and analytical rigor to the study of human performance, injury prevention, and injury recovery throughout life. By comprehensively studying athletes of various ages, genders, ethnicities, abilities, and disciplines, we aim to discover the principles that govern peak performance, from the molecular level to the whole body, and including both physical and cognitive performance. The goal is to leverage these principles to optimize and sustain health throughout an individual’s lifespan.

The Agility Projects are seed grants to fund early-stage projects from cross-disciplinary teams to advance the mission of the Alliance. Interested applicants must submit a letter of intent and then invited applicants will prepare a full proposal for review.

Program Priorities

Projects working to further our knowledge of the science of human performance, including both physical and cognitive performance are welcome. It is not our intent to fund projects that focus purely on disease. We encourage projects that advance our understanding of female athlete health and performance.

Proposals for both fundamental scientific exploration and translational work are welcome. We also welcome proposals focused on teaching and other outreach activities designed to strengthen and educate the human performance community on campus and beyond.

Teams composed of members that use different methodologies and approaches and work in different disciplines are highly encouraged.

Agility Projects are intended to support new projects, rather than extensions or additions of existing projects.

2022 Awardees

2024 Awardees

Letter of Intent

We are seeking letters of intent (LOI) from members of the Stanford community. The submitted LOIs will be reviewed by a committee consisting of faculty with a broad range of expertise. Approximately 10-15 LOIs will be selected, and those teams will be asked to submit a full proposal. We plan to select 4-6 projects for funding. 

Timeline/Key Dates

Call for Letters of Intent April 10, 2024
Deadline for Submitting Letters of Intent July 10, 2024
Notification of Selection for Submitting Full Proposal August 23, 2024
Deadline for Submitting Full Proposals October 23, 2024
Notification of Awards December 2024

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be affiliates of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance. Any interested member of the Stanford faculty is invited to join the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance.

Each proposal must have a Stanford faculty member who qualifies as a Principal Investigator (PI) according to Stanford University Policy. Clinician Educator (CE) Faculty at the rank of clinical assistant professor and above who are full-time Stanford employees with 100% CE faculty appointments are eligible to apply; no waiver is required. 

Faculty may participate in more than one letter of intent if each proposed project includes a different set of team members. A faculty member may only serve as PI on one proposal.

Cross-disciplinary teams are highly encouraged.

Selection Criteria

The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Agility Project Committee will review proposals based on:

  • Merit of the proposal, with quality, innovation and creativity balanced by the project’s likelihood of success.
  • Potential to advance the understanding of human performance, broadly defined.
  • Strength of the interdisciplinary and collaborative team
  • The potential scientific breakthroughs and follow-on funding.
  • The potential impact of your goals for increasing diversity, inclusion, belonging, equity and justice  (only evaluated at the Full Proposal Stage).

Letter of Intent Submission

LOIs are submitted via SlideRoom.

The Seed Grant LOI must be submitted online by the deadline: July 10, 2024, 11:59 pm Pacific Time. 

Each LOI should have one Communicating Principal Investigator. The Communicating Principal Investigator serves as the point of contact for the project and is responsible for submitting the online application. 

A complete online application consists of:

  1. Completed form for general information about the Communicating Principal Investigator and the collaborating investigator(s).
  2. A short (up to one page) description of the project. Include a description of the project goals and the impact of the project on human performance research.

Submit Letter of Intent


Preview of Full Proposal Requirements

If your team’s LOI is selected, you will be notified to submit a full five-page proposal. Full proposals must include background leading to the proposal, specific aims, a description of proposed methods, a budget, a diversity statement, expected outcomes. The proposal should also detail the role of each team member and the CVs of all the faculty members involved in the proposal.


Grants will be for a one-year period, with the option to extend for an additional year based on progress made on the project. 


Proposals may request up to $100,000 in total costs per year for up to two years. Funds may be used for personnel (faculty, undergraduate or graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, or staff), supplies, small equipment, travel, or seminar and symposia needs. PI salary support is subject to the NIH salary cap ($221,900). Budgets must also factor in Stanford’s 8% infrastructure charge, assessed to all direct costs in the proposal. 

Complete details for full proposal submission will be provided after LOI selection.

Get Engaged

We invite faculty, students, staff, alumni, friends, and external organizations to participate in the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford.