Transforming Human Health through the Science of Peak Performance
Watch Who we are

Discovering biological principles to optimize human performance and catalyze innovations in human health for all
Almost all of what we know about health comes from the study of disease. Our scientific collaboration takes the opposite approach: we are studying peak performance, with the goal of enabling all people to achieve optimal health and well-being.
By comprehensively studying athletes of various ages, genders, ethnicities, abilities, and disciplines, the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance is trailblazing new possibilities.
A university-wide research initiative

Get Engaged
We invite faculty, students, staff, alumni, friends, and external organizations to participate in the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford.
Our Stanford Vision
The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford is a university-wide research initiative that leverages Stanford’s exceptional research, outstanding athletics, and innovative spirit. We are creating a community that draws on diverse efforts across campus to uncover the fundamental principles of peak performance. Through our programs, we are developing the knowledge, the people, and the tools to make optimal health more accessible to all. We hope you will join us in our mission.
Featured News

Agility Projects
Announcing the 2025 Agility Project awardees
March 11, 2025
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Our Research
We are building synergistic efforts across the university to cultivate transformative ideas and accelerate highly promising research efforts from the molecular level to whole body systems.

Agility Projects
Agility projects provide seed funding for investigators from any discipline to pursue early-stage ideas that further our knowledge of human performance.

Human Performance Lab
The Human Performance Lab is a community resource to support teaching and interdisciplinary research, providing state-of-the-art equipment and advancing the use of digital technology to optimize performance and health.

Female Athlete Research
The program focuses on female-specific translational research to answer fundamental physiological and sports performance questions important to improving the health and performance of girls and women.

Moonshot Research
Our multi-investigator research programs tackle challenging, yet fundamental and often-neglected problems facing human performance.

Through an experiential, interdisciplinary approach, our training programs are creating a diverse cohort of researchers and practitioners who will extend the impact of our research for decades to come.

Partnerships & Communications
Our partnerships and communications programs help focus the scientific mission of the Alliance on key needs and translate findings into accessible formats for individuals to use to optimize their health throughout their lives.
Images courtesy Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab, Christophe Wu, and Linda A. Cicero, Stanford University, and Oleksandr/